Wednesday, June 11, 2008

$125 was a bargain!

"WILD BOYS: A concert by Duran Duran under the museum's iconic I.M. Pei pyramid headlines a three-day event being organized by American Friends of the Louvre. To be held June 9 to 11, "Liaisons au Louvre" will span multiple events, including a lunch at the American Embassy, high tea in Christian Lacroix's gardens, cocktails at Baccarat and a black-tie gala at the museum, which includes private viewings of the most spectacular galleries and a seated dinner before Duran Duran lets rip its musical reflex.Ticket prices are $10,000: less for French residents."

My birthday is coming up.... hint hint.....

Okay, this event was last night. Bummer. I just check their schedule and they are free on June 18th. They will do private parties. Poolside perhaps?

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