Sunday, December 13, 2009

You really learn something about your friends when a simple favor is ignored. Are two mouse clicks REALLY so hard? What was I thinking? After this many years, I should be used to being ignored.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Why do network execs hate me?

I was crushed when I read that Vincent D'Onofrio is leaving Criminal Intent to pursue other roles. Jeff Goldblum is the only current cast member who will return for Season 9. USA wants to "retool" the show to make it "lighter". This is their attempt to replace Monk, which ends its run this season.

I suppose I should be grateful to USA for saving the series after NBC dumped it. But now USA is ruining one of the best crime dramas on the air! I understand it will be different without VDO, but "lighter"? Not interested.

Why are all my favorite shows going off the air now that I finally can watch them static free??? Soon every show on the air will be a cheap, unintelligent reality show, and I will have to resort to reading!

Farewell Goren & Eames.

RIP (See you on DVD)

King of the Hill
Samantha Who
My Name is Earl
The Starter Wife

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

You've been warned, Comcast!

Welcome to the second installment of "You've been warned"! Today's episode, "Comcast"

My attempt to order the $10/12 months Limited Basic Cable promo was foiled this evening. When I got the to the customer rep. to confirm my setup appointment, the rep. told me the deal was for 6 months. When I corrected him, I was told that they can only process offers from the website. Right now, the only deal he could see was the Digital package for $29.99/mon. He asked where I had seen the offer. I told him it was a mailer, which I did not have in front of me (of course). While he "tried to get my help from customer service", he proceeded to offer me the Triple Play offer package, for a mere $114.99/mon. "Would you like to sign up for that?" Isn't that like walking into a car dealer and having the salesman say, "I know you are looking for a Focus, but would you like a Lamborghini instead?" DUH! If I could afford the $115 a month, WHY WOULD I BE ORDERING THE $10 PACKAGE!!!!

Excellent customer service Comcast.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I almost forgot!

All day I've been bothered by the feeling that I was forgetting someone's birthday.....

Happy Birthday Roger!

Thursday, February 05, 2009


I am tired of being the first mate on the Titanic. I am in desperate need of a lifeboat.